Hospitality Qualifications

Diploma in Hospitality Management

In today’s fast paced world, the hospitality industry is a major booming industry. LCCI GQ’s Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Hospitality will prepare students with the skills they need for a successful career in the hospitality industry.

Diploma in Hospitality Management

Students will enjoy an unrivalled real life learning environment with LCCI GQ’s collaboration with various partners both locally and internationally. Students will be given the opportunity to combine management skills with practical knowledge such as front office, restaurant operations, housekeeping, food & beverage services and culinary arts in order to fast track their careers in the hospitality industry

The hospitality industry continues to grow; the World Travel Organization predicts that it will triple in size by the year 2020, becoming one of the largest industries in the world. This growth will provide many employment opportunities for people with the right qualifications, and LCCI GQ’s Hospitality qualifications with its accreditation from Scottish Qualifications Authority, Scotland (UK) provides exactly the type of education and skills that the future hospitality managers require to succeed.


Furthermore, LCCI GQ’s Hospitality Qualifications have been credit rated by Scottish Credit & Qualifications Framework (SCQF) which is comparable to European Qualifications Framework (EQF) as outlined below:

Programme SCQF Level SCQF Credit Point EQF Level
Diploma in Hospitality Management (15 Months) 5 64 3
Diploma in Global Culinary Arts (12 Months) 6 67 4
Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management (21 Months) 7 99 5
Quality Assured by:
Bench-marked at:

This international bench-marking will offer additional value and career progression to our students.

You may now be interested in knowing:

1.  What is Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) ?
SQA is not for profit Government Sponsored agency accountable to the Scottish Government and sit at the heart of Scotland’s world-renowned education system. SQA has over 100 year experience in developing qualifications and qualification systems across the globe. LCCI GQ is the first and only institution from Nepal to be approved by SQA.

2.  What is Scottish Credit & Qualifications Framework (SCQF) ?
SCQF is a globally recognised national qualifications framework in the UK and is managed by the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Partnership. In order to be on the SCQF, LCCI Global Qualifications have gone through a rigorous and quality assured process of ‘credit rating’.
The SCQF Partnership includes members from the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), College Development Network, the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) and Universities Scotland.

3.  What are SCQF Credit and SCQF Level?
Through credit rating process, LCCI Global Qualifications have received SCQF credit points, which show how much learning has been achieved, and a SCQF level which shows how demanding the learning is.

4.  What is European Qualifications Framework (EQF) ?
EQF is a European-wide qualifications framework which joins the qualifications of different European countries. LCCI GQ qualifications are benchmarked against the EQF, making it easier for European employers to compare LCCI GQ programmes against their own framework.

5.  How can I verify the recognition of LCCI Global Qualifications programme ?
Only qualifications which are SCQF credit-rated are listed on the SCQF database. You can use weblink below and search by ‘LCCI Global Qualifications’ (as “Qualification Owner”) in order to verify the recognition of LCCI GQ programmes within the national qualifications framework of Scotland:

6.  Can I apply for further education after successfully completing LCCI GQ Hospitality programmes ?
Since LCCI GQ programs are benchmarked at SCQF and EQF, students have the opportunity to take lateral entry into bachelor degree at various foreign universities, subject to meeting their entry requirements. Students who are interested to apply must have successfully completed 10 + 2 (Higher Secondary Education) to obtain credit transfer opportunity. (Please note, LCCI GQ does not claim any academic equivalency of any of its programs in Nepal’s context).

Following are the details of the universities/colleges for credit transfer:

  1. International College of Management, Sydney : The credit transfer opportunity allows our ADHM students to benefit from the mapping of the ADHM program at the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Level 5. Students will receive a total of 18 credit exemptions out of the 84 required credit points.
    Website -
  2. Canterbury Institute of Management, Australia : The credit transfer allows our ADHM students to get 8 Courses exemption in Bachelor of Business in Hospitality Management out of total 24 Courses. DGCA Students can get 6 courses exemption in Bachelor of Business in Hospitality Management out of total 24 courses.
    Website –
  3. Pacific International Hotel Management School, New Zealand : The credit transfer allows our ADHM students to study directly into 2nd Year in Bachelor of Applied Hospitality and Tourism Management.
    Website –
  4. University of the Highlands and Islands Perth College, Scotland : The credit transfer allows our ADHM students to study directly into 2nd Year in BA (Hons) in Hospitality Management.
    Website –
  5. Aspira College of Management and Design, Croatia : The credit transfer allows our ADHM and DGCA students to study directly into 2nd Year in Bachelor of International Management in Hospitality and Tourism (BSc Econ) and Bachelor of International Management in Hospitality and Tourism, majoring in Gastronomy (BSc Econ) respectively. Website –
  6. National University of Ireland Galway (Shannon College of Hotel Management) :  Advanced Diploma students can join Bachelor of  Business Studies in International Hotel Management with exemption of 90 credits out of their total 240 Credits. Website –
  7. Southern Cross University, Australia : Students can join Bachelor of Business & Enterprise Majoring in Tourism Management and Bachelor of Business in Hotel Management programme with exemption of 12 Units out of the total 24 Units for ADHM Students & 8 Units out of the total 24 Units for DGCA Students.
    Website –
  8. Northern Arizona University, USA : Advanced Diploma students can join Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management with 13 credits exemption out of total 120 Credits for 4 years, enabling students to complete their degree in as little as 3 years.
    Website –
  9. Northwood University, USA : Advanced Diploma students can join Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with a major in Hospitality Management with 38 credit exemptions. Website –
  10. Britts Imperial University College, UAE : The credit transfer allows our ADHM students to get 60 Credits Exemption out of total 180 Credits in BBA in Tourism & Hospitality Management.
    Website –
  11. IMI University Center, Switzerland : Advanced Diploma students can join Bachelor of International Hotel Management
    Website –
  12. Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh : Advanced Diploma students can join BA International Hospitality and Tourism Management
    Website –
  13. Berjaya University College of Hospitality, Malaysia : Advanced Diploma students can enter into Bachelor in Hospitality Management with 16 credit exemption
    Website –
  14. Casa College- Nicosia, Cyprus : Advanced Diploma students can join: Bachelor of Arts in Hotel Administration or Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
    Website –
  15. Budapest Metropolitan University, Hungary : Advanced Diploma students can join BA in Tourism and Catering with 90 credits exemption out of total 210 credits.
    Website –
  16. Masha University, Malaysia : Advanced Diploma students can join Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) with exemptions for 2 subjects.
    Website –
  17. Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan : Advanced Diploma students can join Bachelor of Social Science in Hospitality and Tourism.
    Website –
  18. NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands : Advanced Diploma students can join BBA in International Hospitality Management with exemption of 30 European Credits
    Website –
  19. Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun, India : Advanced Diploma students can either join 1st year or directly enter into 2nd year of the Bachelor of Hotel Management
    Website –
  20. Southern Institute of Technology, New Zealand : Advanced Diploma students can directly enter into 2nd year of the Bachelor of Hotel Management
    Website –
  21. Lovely Professional University, India : Advanced Diploma students can either join 1st year or directly enter into 2nd year of the B.Sc. Hotel Management
    Website –


For further information or assistance, kindly contact: Ms. Raisha Sthapit, Qualifications Manager - RAISHA@LCCIGQ.COM or +977-9851145389

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